We believe a healthy dog is a happy dog! We recommend that all dogs undergo a complete wellness exam at least
Annual wellness exams are the key to providing a long and healthy life for your dog!
At the Veterinary Medical Center, there are several important components to wellness care for your dog:
• Annual (or bi-annual) wellness exams
• Vaccinations
• Comprehensive Annual Labwork
• Parasite prevention and control
• Exercise, nutrition and diet
• Dental care
Regular wellness care allows our veterinarians to partner with you to develop an individualized wellness care program and comprehensive health profile for your dog. This health profile aids us in future treatment and helps us detect potential serious health problems before they are apparent to a dog’s family. Early identification of health issues enables us to begin early treatment, often before they develop into more serious conditions that are difficult to treat.
What should i Expect at my dog’s Wellness Exam for Preventive Health Care?
• A thorough physical exam (eyes, teeth, lungs, abdomen, heart, weight, joints, muscles, lumps/bumps, etc.)
• Comprehensive Annual Labwork (including blood profile tests, ova and parasite screening and urinalysis)
• Behavioral questions (water consumption, diet, energy, elimination, etc.), which often reveal developing health issues
• Vaccine updates (we also offer blood titer tests, a simple test that measures a pet’s individual antibodies against infectious diseases)
• Other tests as indicated (such as heartworm tests, blood profile tests, ova and parasite, etc.)
Learn more about what to expect during your pet’s exam from AAHA.
Be sure to mention any observations or changes in your pet’s habits or behavior. No one knows your pet like you do, and your observations may serve to inform our assessment. Your input also may help to detect a developing condition, treatable with the least invasive or less costly procedures.
why is Year-Round Parasite Prevention Vital to my Pet and my Family’s Health?
Flea, tick, worm, and other parasite prevention are important not only to your pet’s health and comfort, but also your family’s health as well. Parasites from pets can transmit diseases to humans, particularly children, since they may eat grass or dirt, allow pets to kiss them, and are unlikely to practice proper hand washing. Some parasitic canine diseases have more serious effects in humans than they do for dogs, as humans are an abnormal host for them. Pets and Parasites provides information on diseases you can get from your pet, many of which are avoidable by preventive measures. Also keep in mind that given the prevalence of deer and other wildlife in our area, tick prevention is a year-round pursuit.
how do i Buy Safe, Authentic Pet Medications?
When you buy tick, flea, and parasite control medications, be sure you are purchasing authentic FDA/EPA-approved pet medications. Purchase medications from veterinarians who ensure these pet medications are stored properly—at the right temperatures and under the right conditions—so effectiveness is guaranteed.
We recommend the following medications:
• Frontline or Advantage (topical) — Offers flea and tick prevention monthly, broad spectrum.
• Interceptor Plus — Guards your pets against heartworms, tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms monthly.
• Heartguard — Guards your pets against heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms.
• Revolution — Developed for both heartworm ear mites, fleas, roundworms, hookworm prevention monthly.
• Nexgard (oral) — Offers flea and tick prevention monthly, broad spectrum
In addition to using pet medications, we also recommend good preventive measures to avoid exposing pets to ticks and fleas. Avoid tick-infested areas, inspect your pet daily for ticks and evidence of fleas, and launder bedding frequently. Remove any ticks you find immediately.
why is Diet, Weight, and Safety important?
We recommend you provide your pet with fresh water and a standard high-quality diet, or a veterinary formula, if prescribed. Measure the food you provide and serve it at set times to avoid obesity.
Be sure to keep poisonous and hazardous items away from your pets. Pet proof your home. Two common poisons that do not immediately come to mind are chewing gum and medications. It is not uncommon for a dog to grab a pill bottle off a counter and eat it. Many everyday medications even in small doses are lethal to pets. Sugar-free chewing gum containing xylitol is also highly toxic. What is the most poisonous houseplant for pets? It’s lilies, not poinsettias as many believe.
what items should i bring with me to ensure the best possible experience?
• Your dog on a leash or small dog in a carrier
• A fresh stool sample (less than 12 hours old)
• A fresh urine sample (less than 12 hours old)
• Questions you have for us regarding your dog’s health
If this is your first visit to our hospital, any previous veterinary records pertaining to your dog need to be submitted to our hospital at least 24 hours in advance of their first appointment.
For information about how to collect a fecal or urine sample click here.