Monthly Parasite Prevention for BIG  Dogs

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Did you know that big dogs can require extra monthly parasite prevention?

All flea/tick and heartworm monthly preventatives are dosed based on your dog’s weight.

It is important to ensure your dog’s weight is up to date in our system.

(Did you also know you can pop into our hospital any time without an appointment for a weight check? Come say hi to us!)

Extra-large dogs may require two doses of preventatives every month, like Amber.

Amber weighs 178# and takes Nexgard (for fleas/ticks) and Heartgard (for heartworms) every month.

Because of her size, Amber takes one Nexgard 60- 121# (Red Box), AND one Nexgard 24- 60# (Purple Box).

She also takes TWO Heartgard 50- 100# (Brown Box) EVERY month.

If preventatives aren’t dosed appropriately, they may not work, and who wants parasites?! Amber doesn’t!

If you need help picking the right parasite prevention for your pet, please call, email, or come in to see us, and we will keep your pup protected every month!

Amber and her mom, Veronica.
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